Why Jodo Shin Buddhists Should Support BLM

Institute of Buddhist Studies student and Jodo Shin priest Landon Yamaoka reflects on engaging with the Black Lives Matter movement. For context on the history of Jodo Shin ethics as it relates to political movements, read Dr. Takashi Miyaji’s article here. This summer the Buddhist Churches of America’s Ministers Association put out a statement in … Continue reading Why Jodo Shin Buddhists Should Support BLM

Three Zen Priests on the Precious Mirror Samadhi

Below, three Zen priests and teachers, Taigen Daniel Leighton, James Ishmael Ford, and Gesshin Greenwood give their individual interpretation of the line “Turning away and touching are both wrong, for it is like a massive fire.” These words are from Hokyo Zanmai (Precious Mirror Samadhi), a sutra chanted every other day in Zen monasteries throughout … Continue reading Three Zen Priests on the Precious Mirror Samadhi

Recollecting Pratyekabuddhas: Reflections on Buddhism, Art, and Place

By Chenxing Han When my husband and I left Bangkok on March 5, we didn’t expect our short trip back to the Bay Area to become an indefinite stay, courtesy of covid-19. Fortunately—with the help of an international moving company and a Bangkok-based friend who had warned us to stay safe from the coronavirus and … Continue reading Recollecting Pratyekabuddhas: Reflections on Buddhism, Art, and Place