Bringing the Dharma to Bear on Life: Buddhism and Social Activism

This month at the Institute of Buddhist Studies, we wish to celebrate gay pride by highlighting the scholarship of our LGBTQ+ students and faculty, as well as queer theory and queer theology in the wider Buddhist world. We are celebrating both “queerness” in its most basic definition, that is, as a descriptor of people whose sexual … Continue reading Bringing the Dharma to Bear on Life: Buddhism and Social Activism

Hard and Soft: Buddhism, Transness and Learning to Touch (Into) This Body

This month at the Institute of Buddhist Studies, we wish to celebrate gay pride by highlighting the scholarship of our LGBTQ+ students and faculty, as well as queer theory and queer theology in the wider Buddhist world. We are celebrating both “queerness” in its most basic definition, that is, as a descriptor of people whose sexual … Continue reading Hard and Soft: Buddhism, Transness and Learning to Touch (Into) This Body

The “Body” is Not the Enemy of Some Supposedly Separate Mind: Daijaku Kinst on Gay Pride and Buddhism

This month at the Institute of Buddhist Studies, we wish to celebrate gay pride by highlighting the scholarship of our LGBTQ+ students and faculty, as well as queer theory and queer theology in the wider Buddhist world. We are celebrating both “queerness” in its most basic definition, that is, as a descriptor of people whose sexual … Continue reading The “Body” is Not the Enemy of Some Supposedly Separate Mind: Daijaku Kinst on Gay Pride and Buddhism